Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Installing GUI from command line interface for centOS

Still moving into the world of linux and bringing closer to u what u need to know to operate linux distributions.

Having intalled centOS to your machine, on reboot you will be welcomed by a black screen, (CLI).
If you are not very familiar with the commands and might want to use GUI instead, here is some help.

yum install qt kdelibs kdebase

Friday, January 23, 2009

Open RAR Archives in Ubuntu

  1. The package unrar is not open source, but should be able to open any RAR files you can find. This is likely the option you want. You need to have the Ubuntu multiverse repository enabled to install this package.

    Install unrar from the package unrar (click the link to install), or by running the command below in your terminal:
    sudo apt-get install unrar

After either of these package are installed, RAR archives will open seamlessly in Ubuntu’s archive manager.

You may also be interested in installing support for the open source 7z archive format.

100% Linux Addict


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Downloading and Installing the Java Development Kit (JDK)

First you need some Java development software. You can choose from several products. In fact, you may already have one of these products on your own computer. If you don't, you can download the basic software by visiting a Sun Microsystems Web site. The product that you want to download is known by a few different names. It's called the Java Development Kit (JDK), the Java Software Development Kit (SDK), and the Java Standard Edition (Java SE). You may even see an extra 2 in a name like Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE), but the 2 doesn't mean anything. (Sun Microsystems added the 2 several years ago and then dropped the 2 in 2006.)

Applicable to the Windows platform, use the following instructions to download and install the JDK:

1. Visit java.sun.com.

2. Find a link to download the Java SE 6 (the Java Standard Edition, version 6).

If you find some other version. Just make sure that you have a version numbered 6 or higher.

3. Download the JDK, not the JRE.

To create your own Java programs, you need more than the JRE. You need the entire JDK.

4. Double-click the icon of the downloaded file and follow the wizard's instructions for installing the JDK.

You can choose to have some or all of the components installed. Just make sure that your choice includes the development tools and the JRE.

You also see the name of the directory in which the JDK is to be installed. Jot down the exact name of the directory.

At some point, the wizard asks whether you want to register your Web browser with the latest Java plug-in. It's a good idea.

5. Return to the page where you found the JDK download. Get another download — the Java SE Documentation (also known as the Java SE API Documentation).

6. Extract the zipped Java SE Documentation to your Java home directory.

After you download the Java JDK, you're ready to install the software on your computer. Of course, you can do this 900 different ways, depending on your operating system, the names of directories on your hard drive, the wind velocity, and other factors. The following steps offer some guidelines:

1. Open My Computer and find the JDK file that you downloaded.

The file has a name like jdk-6-blah-blah.exe. The exact name depends on the operating system you're using, the version number that Sun has reached with Java, and whatever naming conventions the people at Sun have changed since this book was written.

2. Double-click the JDK file's icon.

• If you downloaded the tiny online installation file, your computer downloads more files from the Internet and installs Java while it downloads.

• If you downloaded the huge offline installation file, your computer extracts the contents of the huge setup file and installs Java from these contents.

3. Among the features that you select to install, make sure you select Development Tools and Public Java Runtime Environment.

You can choose to have some or all of the components installed. Just make sure that your choice includes these two items. To select or un-select an item, click the icon to the left of the item's name.

4. Jot down the name of the directory in which the Java SDK is being installed and then click Next.

From one version to the next, the installation package puts Java in different directories on the computer's hard drive. Lately the package has installed Java in a directory named C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0. During the installation on your computer, you may see a different directory name. (One way or another, the name probably has jdk in it.)

Take note of this directory name when the installation package displays it. This directory is called your Java home directory.

5. Enjoy the splash screens that you see while the software is being installed.

At the end of the installation, you click the proverbial Finish button. But you're still not done with the whole kit 'n caboodle. The next step is installing the Java documentation.

6. Copy the documentation to your Java home directory.

7. Check to make sure that you unzipped the documentation correctly.

After unzipping the documentation's Zip file, you should have a subdirectory named docs in your Java home directory. So open My Computer and navigate to your new jdkwhatever folder. Directly inside that folder, you should see a new folder named docs. This directory is called your Javadoc directory.

When your docs are all lined up in a row, you can proceed to the next step — installing a Java development environment.


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